December 29, 2018

The Hymn of God's Word The Holy Spiritual Body of Almighty God Has Appeared

The Holy Spiritual Body

of Almighty God Has Appeared


Almighty God has revealed to us

His glorious body in public.

His holy body appears to us;

He's God Himself: utter true God.

The world has all changed,

so has the flesh.

He is transfigured to be

God's Person,

a golden crown upon His head,

a white robe upon His body,

a golden belt across His chest.

All things in the world

are His footstool,

His eyes are like flames of fire,

two-edged sword in His mouth,

seven stars in His right hand.

The kingdom road

limitless and bright,

God's glory rises and radiates.

Mountains cheer and waters rejoice;

sun, moon and stars all rotate,

line up neatly for the one true God,

who's accomplished

a six-thousand-year

management plan,

to return with victory!


Everyone's dancing

and jumping for joy!

Let's cheer our God.

The true Almighty God!

Almighty God sits on

His glorious throne!

So let's sing praises to His Holy name!

Banner of victory of the Almighty

has risen up high majestically

upon Mount Zion!

The nations cheer,

all people everywhere,

sing loud and clear!

Mount Zion is rejoicing,

God's glory is surfacing!

Never did I dream of meeting Him,

but today I truly did.

Face to face with Him every day,

I talk and lay my heart bare to Him.

He's my source for food and drink,

He supplies all things.

My life, my words, deeds,

and my mind,

His glory shines down

as He leads each step.

If my heart should disobey,

judgment comes at once.


Eating and living being with God;

enjoying walking, beside my God.

Receive His glory and His blessings,

reigning with Him

inside His kingdom.

So much enjoyment!

And so much sweetness!

Face to face each day,

He speaks to us.

We talk with Him,

enlightened every day,

and see something new

on each new day.

Open up your spiritual eyes,

unveiled are God's spiritual


Living a holy life is free.

Come, don't stop your feet.

Keep moving forward to advance,

an amazing pure life lies ahead.

Getting just a taste is not enough,

keep running to God.

All-inclusive and bountiful,

anything we lack is in His hands.

Cooperate actively, enter into Him,

and life won't be the same.

from "The Fifteenth Utterance"

of Utterances and Testimonies of Christ in the Beginning

in The Word Appears in the Flesh

December 27, 2018

The Principles of Sharing From the Heart

The Principles of Sharing From the Heart

1. To good people who pursue the truth, you should share from your heart and say what is in your heart, open to them your true states and difficulties, and obtain their help;

2. Treat others with sincerity and get along with them with a loving heart, speak in accordance with the truth and with facts, and be helpful and edifying for others. Never harbor suspicions about others or attack others;

3. Understand the other person’s weaknesses and difficulties, be able to stand in a position of neutrality and use your own practical experiences to help others, so that they may not be restrained;

4. Speak and fellowship in a way that allows others to understand the truth and which benefits and edifies them, and which allows them to feel God’s love and salvation, so that they are able to make positive progress.

December 25, 2018

Bless the Lord | Gospel Music Video "Offer Love to God" | The Most Beautiful Blessings

Bless the Lord | Gospel Music Video "Offer Love to God" | The Most Beautiful Blessings


Offer Love to God

God became flesh and came among us.

He’s suffered all humiliations for saving us.

But I didn’t know Him, misunderstood and complained against Him.

My repeated rebelliousness and resistance grieved His heart so much.

Dear Almighty God, You pay no regard to my transgressions.

You’ve endured much of my rebelliousness and today show me grace again.

Seeing Your exaltation of me, I feel terribly ashamed.

I’m truly unworthy to receive Your love for me.

Dear Almighty God, I hear Your utterance.

Holding Your words in my hands, I shed silent tears.

Every word warms my heart and brings me closer to You.

I rise up from passiveness and follow You closely.

Today I’ve woken up, remorseful beyond words.

I resolve to be born again and satisfy Your desire.

I will repay Your love and offer my last loyalty to You,

bearing resounding testimony to comfort Your heart.

Your love has woken me up. I resolve to perform my duty properly,

be faithful to the end and care for Your desire.

I will repay Your love and offer my last loyalty to You,

bearing resounding testimony to comfort Your heart,

bearing resounding testimony to comfort Your heart.

from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

December 23, 2018

The Principles of Living out Normal Humanity

1. To live out normal humanity, you must possess conscience, reason, integrity and dignity. Living by God’s words is the foundation of being human;

2. You must be an honest person, speak honestly and do real things, be pure, open and wise, fear God and shun evil, and live by God’s words;

3. Get along with others with a loving heart, be tolerant and patient, forgiving and caring, understanding and respectful, and be able to treat others fairly and impartially;

4. You must pursue the truth and practice the truth, faithfully fulfill the duties of a created being, and live out a true human likeness to glorify God.

December 21, 2018

1 How to Pursue to Be an Honest Person

1 How to Pursue to Be an Honest Person

Miaoxiao Anyang City, Henan Province

In the past, when reading in God’s word that we were required to be an honest person, many brothers and sisters thought that it was not hard to be an honest person and that as long as one told the truth without cheating others in everything, he was an honest person. Most people did not meditate or seek whether they had lived up to the standards of an honest person, and even less did they pay attention to entering into being an honest person. Thus, the matter of practicing being an honest person was shelved. Recently, through the man’s fellowship “The Four Indices People Have to Grasp in Pursuing the Truth to Gain the Transformation of Their Disposition,” we have clearly realized the importance and crucialness of being an honest person, knowing that being an honest person is the prerequisite and the foundation for the transformation of our disposition and is the start of pursuing the transformation of our disposition. Because God likes honest people and loathes crafty people, only if we begin by practicing and entering into being an honest person will we be able to establish a normal relationship with God, and will we easily communicate with God and receive the working of the Holy Spirit. If we have no entering in in being an honest person, we cannot have transformation of our disposition, even less can we be saved and perfected by God.

December 19, 2018

Principles of Being Wise in Your Belief in God

1. You must know the essential differences between wisdom and deceit. Being wise is in order to properly perform your duty and carry out God’s will; it is something positive.

2. You must adopt wise means toward the great red dragon and all other satanic forces, taking upholding God’s work and not causing any harm to the work of the house of God as the principle.

3. You must be honest, and you must be loving and wise toward others, taking being of benefit to others and the work of God as the principle.

4. In spreading the gospel and saving others, you must search for those who are able to accept the truth. Making sure your methods are judicious means taking the effectiveness of salvation as the principle.