Showing posts with label Almighty God-Books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Almighty God-Books. Show all posts

June 18, 2017

Almighty God's Word "The Sighing of the Almighty" | The Church of Almighty God

Almighty God's Word "The Sighing of the Almighty"

Almighty God says, "Mankind, who left the supply of life from the Almighty, does not know why they exist, and yet fears death. There is no support, no help, but mankind is still reluctant to close their eyes, braving it all, drags out an ignoble existence in this world in bodies without the consciousness of souls.

June 17, 2017

1. Almighty God Is the One True God Who Rules Over All Things.

1. Almighty God Is the One True God Who Rules Over All Things.

Relevant Words of God:

Mankind does not know who is the Sovereign of all things in the universe, much less does he know the beginning and future of mankind. Mankind merely lives, perforce, amidst this law. None can escape it and none can change it, for among all things and in the heavens there is but One from everlasting to everlasting who holds sovereignty over everything.
The Word Appears in the Flesh
He is the One who has never been beheld by man, the One whom mankind has never known, in whose existence mankind has never believed, yet He is the One who breathed the breath into mankind’s ancestors and gave life to mankind.He is the One who supplies and nourishes mankind for its existence, and guides mankind up to the present day.Moreover, He and He alone is whom mankind depends on for its survival. He holds sovereignty over all things and rules all living beings beneath the universe. He commands the four seasons, and it is He who calls forth wind, frost, snow, and rain. He gives mankind sunshine and brings the coming of night.It was He who laid out the heavens and earth, providing man with mountains, lakes and rivers and all the living things within them.

June 16, 2017

20 If I believe in Almighty God, doesn’t it mean that I have betrayed the Lord Jesus? Isn’t this apostasy?

20 If I believe in Almighty God, doesn’t it mean that I have betrayed the Lord Jesus? Isn’t this apostasy?

Bible Reference
   “Him that overcomes will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write on him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from my God: and I will write on him my new name” (Revelation 3:12).

June 15, 2017

Question 2: You testify the “Eastern Lightning” is the true way, how can you prove that? Our faith in Jesus is because Jesus can redeem us all. What proof do you have to show that the “Eastern Lightning” is the true way?

Questions and Answers About Why the True Way Is Persecuted

Question 2: You testify the “Eastern Lightning” is the true way, how can you prove that? Our faith in Jesus is because Jesus can redeem us all. What proof do you have to show that the “Eastern Lightning” is the true way?
Lord Jesus and Peter

   Answer: To answer this question, let’s read two passages of Almighty God’s words and see how Almighty God phrased it. Almighty God says, “What is the most basic principle in seeking the true way? You have to look at whether or not there is the work of the Holy Spirit, whether or not these words are the expression of the truth, who is testified, and what it can bring you” (“Only Those Who Know God and His Work Can Satisfy God” in The Word Appears in the Flesh).

June 14, 2017

19 God is ever unchanging. Then how can the Lord Jesus change His name to Almighty God?

19 God is ever unchanging. Then how can the Lord Jesus change His name to Almighty God?

The answer from God’s word:
“Each time God arrives on earth, He shall change His name, His gender, His image, and His work; He does not repeat His work, and He is always new and never old. When He came before, He was called Jesus; could He still be called Jesus when He comes again this time?

June 13, 2017

66 The Lord Jesus said that He would come again. In which way will He come again?

66 The Lord Jesus said that He would come again. In which way will He come again?

The answer from God’s word:

“For several thousand years, man has longed to be able to witness the arrival of the Savior. Man has longed to behold Jesus the Savior on a white cloud as He descends, in person, among those who have pined and yearned for Him for thousands of years.Man has longed for the Savior to return and be reunited with the people, that is, for Jesus the Savior to come back to the people from whom He has been apart for thousands of years.

June 10, 2017

35 Why is it that the church of Almighty God has become more and more prosperous while the churches of the Age of Grace are all so desolate?

35 Why is it that the church of Almighty God has become more and more prosperous while the churches of the Age of Grace are all so desolate

The answer from God’s word:
     “The clearest expression of the Holy Spirit’s work is in embracing the here and now, not clinging to the past. Those who have not kept up with the work of today, and who have become separated from the practice of today, are those who oppose and do not accept the work of the Holy Spirit.

June 9, 2017

Question 1: If the “Eastern Lightning” is the true way, why is the CCP government so against them? Why do religious leaders condemn them with such fervor? The pastors and elders receive much persecution from the government too. So when they tell us about the “EasternLightning,” why would such servants of God have the same opinions and attitudes as those of the CCP government? What’s the reason behind this?

XVII Questions and Answers About Why the True Way Is Persecuted

Question 1: If the “Eastern Lightning” is the true way, why is the CCP government so against them? Why do religious leaders condemn them with such fervor? The pastors and elders receive much persecution from the government too. So when they tell us about the “EasternLightning,” why would such servants of God have the same opinions and attitudes as those of the CCP government? What’s the reason behind this?