Showing posts with label Christian Song. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christian Song. Show all posts

February 23, 2019

Kids Dance Christian Song "Those Who Sincerely Love God Are All Honest People" God Loves the Honest


Kids Dance Christian Song "Those Who Sincerely Love God Are All Honest People" God Loves the Honest

Pure and honest like a child, innocent and lively, full of youthful vitality,

they are like angels that come to the world.

No lies, no deceit or deception, with an open, honest heart they live with dignity.

They give their hearts to God, God trusts them, and they are the honest people God loves.

November 11, 2018

New Christian Song 2018 "The Incarnate God Leads Mankind Into a New Era"



The incarnate God, He brings to an end the age when only Jehovah's back was seen. He also concludes the age of belief when in vagueness God was perceived. The work of the last incarnate God brings man to a more practical age. The work He does brings all mankind to a more pleasant and realistic time. He ends the age of vagueness, He concludes the age when man wished to seek God's face but was unable to back then. He ends man's service to Satan, to a new age man is led. All this is achieved by the work of God in the flesh, instead of God's Spirit alone.


He not only ends the age of law and doctrine, He shows man a God who is real, a God who is normal, righteous and holy, who unlocks the management plan, who demonstrates the mysteries, the destination of mankind, who made man and ends the management work, who has been hidden for thousands of years. He ends the age of vagueness, He concludes the age when man wished to seek God's face but was unable to back then. He ends man's service to Satan, to a new age man is led. All this is achieved by the work of God in the flesh. Oh, He ends the age of vagueness, He concludes the age when man wished to seek God's face but was unable to back then. He ends man's service to Satan, to a new age man is led. All this is achieved by the work of God in the flesh. All this is achieved by the work of God in the flesh, instead of God's Spirit alone.

from "Corrupt Mankind Is More in Need of the Salvation of God Become Flesh" in The Word Appears in the Flesh


If Eastern Lightning is the true way, then what is the basis of your confirmation? We believe in the Lord Jesus because He redeemed us, but what do you use to verify that Eastern Lightning is the true way?

June 20, 2018

English Christian Song | The Heart of God Is Good | "God Hopes That Mankind Can Continue to Live"

 English Christian Song | The Heart of God Is Good | "God Hopes That Mankind Can Continue to Live"

When humanity was filled with filth, disobeyed to an extent,
God had to destroy them due to His principles and essence.
God despised man, for they opposed Him.
But when He destroyed them,
His heart was still unchanged, His mercy still remained.
God pitied mankind, wanting to redeem in various ways.

April 1, 2018

The Church of Almighty God | God Is Holy and Just | Christian Song | "The Symbolic Meaning of God's Wrath"

God Is Holy and Just | Christian Song | "The Symbolic Meaning of God's Wrath"

When God’s dignity and holiness are being challenged, when just forces are obstructed, unseen by man, this is when God will send forth His wrath. This is when God will send forth His wrath. Because of God’s substance, all forces on earth which contest, oppose Him are evil, unjust. All of them come from Satan, belong to Satan.

March 18, 2018

How Great Is the Love of God | Christian Song | "The Incarnate God Is Most Lovable" | The Church of Almighty God

How Great Is the Love of God | Christian Song | "The Incarnate God Is Most Lovable"

After God became flesh, living life among mankind, He saw man's depravity, the situation of their life. God in the flesh deeply felt man's helplessness, how pitiful they are; He felt their sadness. God gained more compassion for the human condition, and more concern for His followers from His instincts in the flesh.

February 19, 2018

How to Know God Incarnate | Christian Song | "Only by Working in the Flesh Can God Gain Mankind"

How to Know God Incarnate | Christian Song | "Only by Working in the Flesh Can God Gain Mankind" | Eastern Lightning

Only by Working in the Flesh Can God Gain Mankind
Through the practical God’s word,
man’s weaknesses and rebellions are judged and revealed.
Then man receives what they need.
They see that God has come into this human world.

January 19, 2018

Christian Song | The Power of God's Word | "In the Age of Kingdom, the Word Accomplishes Everything"

Christian Song | The Power of God's Word | "In the Age of Kingdom, the Word Accomplishes Everything"

In the Age of Kingdom, God ushers in a new age with the word. He changes the means of His work, does work of the entire age with the word. This is the principle God works by in the Age of Word. He became flesh to speak from different positions, so man truly sees God, the Word appearing in the flesh, sees His wonder, and sees His wisdom. Such work is to better achieve the goals of conquering man, perfecting man, and eliminating man. This is the true meaning of using the word to work in the Age of Word, in the Age of Word.

January 10, 2018

Christian Song | The Second Coming of Lord | "God Is Seeking Those Who Thirst for His Appearance"

Christian Song | The Second Coming of Lord | "God Is Seeking Those Who Thirst for His Appearance"

God seeks those who long for Him, who long for Him to appear. God seeks those who don't resist, obedient as babies before Him. God seeks those who are able, able to hear His words, accept what He's entrusted and offer heart and body to Him. If nothing can shake, nothing can shake your devotion to God, He'll look down upon you, look down upon you with favor, oh … God will bestow His blessings upon you, upon you, oh … God will bestow His blessings upon you!

November 9, 2017

Love of God | Christian Song | "God's Substance and Disposition Have Always Been Open to Mankind"

A Hymn of God's Words

Love of God | Christian Song | "God's Substance and Disposition Have Always Been Open to Mankind"

Since God's first touch with mankind, He has been revealing to them His essence and what He is and has, without cease, constantly. Whether people through the ages can see or understand, God speaks and works to show His disposition and essence. Never concealed, never hidden, released without reservation, God's essence and disposition, His being and possession, are revealed as He works and engages with mankind.