Showing posts with label God’s words. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God’s words. Show all posts

May 28, 2019

2019 Christian Worship Dance | "Joined by Love"


2019 Christian Worship Dance | "Joined by Love"

We travel from afar to gather in the house of God,

eating and drinking God’s words and living the life of the church each day.

We practice and experience God’s words, truly enjoying the understanding of the truth.

April 12, 2019

Promises to Those Who Have Been Perfected

What is the path through which God perfects man? Which aspects are included? Are you willing to be perfected by God? Are you willing to accept the judgment and chastisement of God? What do you know of these questions? If you cannot speak of such knowledge, then this shows that you still know not of God’s work and have not been enlightened at all by the Holy Spirit. Such kind of man cannot be perfected. They can only receive a small amount of grace to enjoy briefly and it cannot be maintained in the long term. If one merely enjoys God’s grace, he cannot be perfected by God. Some may be satisfied with the peace and enjoyment of the flesh, a life of ease without adversity or misfortune, living in peace with their family without fights or quarrels. They may even believe this to be the blessing of God, but in truth, it is merely the grace of God. You cannot be satisfied merely with enjoying the grace of God. This kind of thinking is too vulgar. Even if you read the word of God daily, pray every day, and your spirit feels particular enjoyment and peace, yet in the end you cannot speak of any knowledge of God and His work or have no experience with such, and no matter how much of God’s word you have eaten and drunk, if you merely feel peace and enjoyment in your spirit and that the word of God is sweet beyond compare, as if you cannot enjoy it enough, but you have no real experience with and no reality of the word of God, then what can you receive from such manner of faith in God? If you cannot live out the essence of God’s word, your eating and drinking of God’s words and prayers are entirely concerned with religion. Then such kind of man cannot be perfected and cannot be gained by God. All those gained by God are those who pursue the truth. What God gains is not man’s flesh nor his possessions, but the part within him that belongs to God. Therefore, God perfects not the flesh of man but his heart, so that the heart of man may be gained by God. In other words, the essence of saying that God perfects man is that God perfects the heart of man so that it may turn to God and love Him.

January 28, 2019

Christian Family Movie 2018 | "Child, Come Back Home" (Based on a True Story)


Christian Family Movie 2018 | "Child, Come Back Home" (Based on a True Story)

Li Xinguang is a senior high school student. He had been a sensible and well-behaved boy since he was little. His parents and his teachers were very fond of him. While going to middle school, he became infatuated with internet computer games. He would frequently skip classes in order to go to the internet café. His parents did their utmost to help him break his gaming addiction. Unfortunately, Li Xinguang's addiction became worse and worse. He became dispirited and slowly changed into a troublesome boy. … When Li Xinguang's parents felt that they were at their wit's end, they heard that God is capable of saving people, helping them break their gaming addiction and break free from Satan's corruption. As a result, they decided to believe in God and looked forward to God saving their son. From God's words, they understood the source of mankind's corruption and depravity. They saw the truth of man's darkness and evil and they understood that only God can save people and set them free from Satan's corruption and affliction. All Xinguang had to do was to believe in God and understand the truth, and he would be able to break his gaming addiction. As a result, they spread the gospel to Xinguang and guided Xinguang to read God's words. They prayed to God and asked Him to save their son and help him break his gaming addiction. … After a fight, Xinguang started praying to God and relying on God. Under the guidance of God's words, he eventually broke his gaming addiction and freed himself from Satan's corruption and affliction. This son who had been hopelessly lost in internet games and internet cafés finally came home!

Recommended :The Origin of the Eastern Lightning’s Prosperity

June 17, 2018

Worship Song | Learn How to Pray to God | "True Prayer"

Worship Song | Learn How to Pray to God | "True Prayer"

True prayer is speaking your heart’s words to God.
It’s based on God’s will and His word.
True prayer is feeling, oh, so close to God, as if He’s in front of you.
True prayer means you have much to say to God,
your heart is radiant as the sun,
you feel inspired by the loveliness of God, those who hear are gratified.

June 11, 2018

Kids Dance Christian Song "Those Who Sincerely Love God Are All Honest People" | New Life of Kingdom

Kids Dance Christian Song "Those Who Sincerely Love God Are All Honest People" | New Life of Kingdom

Pure and honest like a child, innocent and lively, full of youthful vitality,
they are like angels that come to the world.
No lies, no deceit or deception, with an open, honest heart they live with dignity.
They give their hearts to God, God trusts them, and they are the honest people God loves.

June 5, 2018

Praise and Worship Song "God's Love Brings Us Close Together" (Male Solo)

Praise and Worship Song "God's Love Brings Us Close Together" (Male Solo)

Though separated by countless seas and mountains,
we are one people, with no boundaries between us,
with different colored skin and speaking different tongues.
Because Almighty God’s words call to us,
we are raised up before God’s throne.

March 27, 2018

70. The Principles of Exalting God as Great

70. The Principles of Exalting God as Great

1. You must allow God to take first place in your heart, and be able to practice exalting God and bearing witness for God. Do not look up to or worship any person or other power;

2. You must seek God’s will in all things, treat all people and matters according to God’s words and the truth, and enable God’s words to become the foundation of human existence;

3. You must turn toward righteousness and resolutely hold to the principles of the truth, have a God-fearing heart, do your utmost to uphold God’s work and make no compromise to the forces of darkness;

4. You must allow God to rule as king in your heart, make satisfying God your number one priority in all things, abandon fame and fortune, status and personal intentions, and be absolutely devoted to God.

March 25, 2018

Farewell to Those Days of Wrestling With Fate | The Church of Almighty God

Farewell to Those Days of Wrestling With Fate

The Church of Almighty God , Eastern Lightning, believe in God
The Picture of The Church of Almighty God
A rustic village fallen behind, my parents exhausted from their work, a life in financial straits … these gloomy memories were branded on to my young mind, they were my first impression of “fate.” After I started attending school, the first time I heard my teacher say that “You control your fate in your own hands,” I kept these words firmly in my mind. I believed that although I could not change the fact that I was born into poverty, I could still change my own fate through hard work. As a result, I exerted my full strength to wrestle with my “fate,” and gain a slice of heaven to call my own.

March 22, 2018

Finding God Is True Happiness (Part 1) | The Church of Almighty God

Finding God Is True Happiness (Part 1)

Wang Kai
My father is just an ordinary elementary school teacher, and during my childhood I lived with him in the dormitory that the school provides for its staff. We lived a simple and frugal life, as most people did in that era of hardships. The thing I remember most is playing with the other teachers’ kids in the school grounds after school.

October 31, 2017

Full Praise | Latin Dance ''Praise the Accomplishment of God's Work"

God’s wisdom and almightiness are shown forth in the change and renewal of all things. The people of God sing and dance to praise the accomplishment of God’s work. At this time, human beings have cast away their filth and corruption amidst the work of God, thus submitting to God and living out the reality of God’s word. They can accept God’s commission and bear witness to God’s faithfulness and righteousness, and have true praise for God in their real experience.

September 20, 2017

Receiving Grace of God | "If I Were Not Saved by God" (Short Film/Music Video)

Receiving Grace of God | "If I Were Not Saved by God" (Short Film/Music Video)

If I were not saved by God, I would still be drifting in this world, struggling hard and painfully in sin, every day bleak and hopeless. If I were not saved by God, I'd still be crushed below the devil's feet, snared in sin and its enjoyments, ignorant of what my life would be.