Showing posts with label Gospel Music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gospel Music. Show all posts

December 25, 2018

Bless the Lord | Gospel Music Video "Offer Love to God" | The Most Beautiful Blessings

Bless the Lord | Gospel Music Video "Offer Love to God" | The Most Beautiful Blessings


Offer Love to God

God became flesh and came among us.

He’s suffered all humiliations for saving us.

But I didn’t know Him, misunderstood and complained against Him.

My repeated rebelliousness and resistance grieved His heart so much.

Dear Almighty God, You pay no regard to my transgressions.

You’ve endured much of my rebelliousness and today show me grace again.

Seeing Your exaltation of me, I feel terribly ashamed.

I’m truly unworthy to receive Your love for me.

Dear Almighty God, I hear Your utterance.

Holding Your words in my hands, I shed silent tears.

Every word warms my heart and brings me closer to You.

I rise up from passiveness and follow You closely.

Today I’ve woken up, remorseful beyond words.

I resolve to be born again and satisfy Your desire.

I will repay Your love and offer my last loyalty to You,

bearing resounding testimony to comfort Your heart.

Your love has woken me up. I resolve to perform my duty properly,

be faithful to the end and care for Your desire.

I will repay Your love and offer my last loyalty to You,

bearing resounding testimony to comfort Your heart,

bearing resounding testimony to comfort Your heart.

from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

September 18, 2018

Best Gospel Music - God Leading the Israelites Out of Egypt


Watch the full documentary at: Praise and Worship Music "The One Who Holds Sovereignty Over Everything" (Christian Musical Documentary)

Best Gospel Music - God Leading the Israelites Out of Egypt

The Israelites, descendants of Abraham, fled to live in exile in Egypt due to famine. The Egyptians were terrified of the Israelites’ expansion, so they enslaved them and maltreated them. The Israelites could not bear the torture, and earnestly supplicated God. God heard their prayers and decided to lead the Israelites out of Egypt …

September 12, 2018

Gospel Music 2018 - God's Creation of the World

Gospel Music 2018 - God's Creation of the World In the beginning, God created the heavens and earth and all things. A vibrant new world was born. Everything created by God was perfect and beautiful. It displayed His wisdom, goodness, and almightiness. God made Adam and Eve in His own image with His own hands, and breathed His very life into them. Jehovah God placed them in the Garden of Eden …

September 10, 2018

Best Gospel Music - God Ruling Over and Sustaining Mankind and All Things

Best Gospel Music - God Ruling Over and Sustaining Mankind and All Things Beneath the heavens, all creatures thrive and breed in their own environments, cleaving to the laws of life over and over; as day follows night, season after season … man lives and breathes in harmony with all things, each dependent on the other, everything arranged so perfectly …

September 6, 2018

Praise and Worship Music "The One Who Holds Sovereignty Over Everything" (Christian Musical Documentary)


Watch the full documentary at: Praise and Worship Music "The One Who Holds Sovereignty Over Everything" (Christian Musical Documentary)

Best Gospel Music 2018 - God Ruling Over the Universe

In a vast cosmic sky filled with stars, planets collide, and a series of complex processes give birth to new planets. What secrets are contained within?

June 18, 2018

God Is Almighty | Gospel Music "Satan Can Change Nothing Under God's Authority"

God Is Almighty | Gospel Music "Satan Can Change Nothing Under God's Authority"

Satan Can Change Nothing Under God’s Authority
For how many years, thousands of years,
has Satan been corrupting man, wrought so much evil.
Generations, one by one deceived by it.
Oh, how many crimes, horrendous crimes
has Satan done throughout this world.