Showing posts with label God's disposition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God's disposition. Show all posts

September 16, 2018

Christian Movie Clip - God's Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah


Watch the full documentary at: Praise and Worship Music "The One Who Holds Sovereignty Over Everything" (Christian Musical Documentary)

Christian Movie Clip - God's Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah

The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were full of evil, licentiousness, rampant murders, and indulgence in extravagant pleasures. They reached the point of clamoring against God, of fighting against Him, enraging His disposition. … Burning sulfur rained down from the sky … all their residents were reduced to ashes …

January 5, 2018

Second Coming of the Lord | Christian Song | "The Substance of Christ Is God"

Second Coming of the Lord  | Christian Song | "The Substance of Christ Is God"

God who becomes flesh is called Christ, so the Christ that can give people truth is called God. It is not too much to say like that. For He possesses the substance of God. He possesses God's disposition and wisdom in His work, which are unreachable by man. Those who call themselves Christ yet cannot do the work of God are frauds. Christ is not merely the manifestation of God on earth, but the particular flesh assumed by God, as He carries out, completes His work among man. Christ is not merely the manifestation of God on earth, but instead, the particular flesh assumed by God, as He carries out, completes His work among man.