April 8, 2018

Seeing My True Colors Clearly | The Church of Almighty God

Seeing My True Colors Clearly

Xiaoxiao    Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province
Due to the needs of the church’s work, I was reallocated to another place to fulfill my duty. At the time, the gospel work at that place was at a low ebb, and the situation of brothers and sisters was generally not good.

April 7, 2018

The Recital of Almighty God's Word "The Mystery of the Incarnation (4)" (Selected Passage)

The Recital of Almighty God's Word "The Mystery of the Incarnation (4)" (Selected Passage)

Almighty God says, "In the Age of Grace, Jesus did much of that work, such as healing sickness, casting out demons, laying His hands upon man to pray for man, and blessing man.

April 6, 2018

Going Astray and Finding the Way | The Church of Almighty God

Going Astray and Finding the Way

Xiaobing    Xuanzhou City, Anhui Province

That which you are enjoying today is the very thing which is ruining your future, whereas the pain you are suffering today is the very thing that is protecting you. You must be clearly aware of that so as to keep away from the hook of temptation and to avoid entering the dense fog that blocks out the sun.

April 5, 2018

The Church of Almighty God | Gospel Movie clip "Sweetness in Adversity" (1) - The Chinese Communist Party's Strategy of Coercing Christians by Threatening Their Families

Gospel Movie clip "Sweetness in Adversity" (1) - The Chinese Communist Party's Strategy of Coercing Christians by Threatening Their Families

In order to coerce Christians to sell out the church, betray God and ruin their chances of being saved by God, the Chinese Communist Party unscrupulously threatens the family members of Christians and they use the family emotions of Christians to coerce them to betray God. Can the schemes of the Chinese Communist Party prevail? In this battle between good and evil, how will the Christians rely on God to overcome Satan's temptations and stand firm and bear witness for God?

April 4, 2018

An Arrogant Believer’s Process of Transformation | The Church of Almighty God

An Arrogant Believer’s Process of Transformation

Zhang Yitao    Henan Province

“God, Your work is so practical, so full of righteousness and holiness. You have been patiently working for so long, all for us. In the past, I believed in God but I didn’t have a human manner. I disobeyed You and hurt Your heart without knowing. I am full of shame and regret and am indebted to You.

April 3, 2018

The Church of Almighty God | Gospel Movie clip (4) - Is the Pardoning of Our Sins Really a Ticket to the Kingdom of Heaven?

Gospel Movie clip (4) - Is the Pardoning of Our Sins Really a Ticket to the Kingdom of Heaven?

Many people in religion think that they have admitted their sins and repented of them after believing in the Lord, so they have been redeemed, and been saved by grace. When the Lord comes, He will lift them up directly into the kingdom of heaven, and He cannot possibly do the work of purification and salvation.