November 5, 2017

Christian Movie Trailer | Walk With God | "In the Deep of Winter" | God Is My Life and My Hope

Christian Movie Trailer | Walk With God | "In the Deep of Winter" | God Is My Life and My Hope

Her name is Xiao Li. She has believed in God for more than a decade. In the winter of 2012, she was arrested by the Chinese Communist police at a congregation. During interrogation, the police repeatedly coaxed, threatened, battered and tortured her in their attempts to seduce her to betray God by disclosing the whereabouts of the leaders and money of the church. Particularly in one frozen night when the temperature was twenty degrees below zero, she was forcibly stripped naked, drenched with icy water, electrically shocked on her genital, and force-fed mustard water by the police….

November 3, 2017

A Hymn of God's Words The Movement of God's Work in the universe

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A Hymn of God's Words
The Movement of God's Work in the universe

 People on earth will yield to God, obedient as the angels are, no wish to oppose or rebel; this is God's work throughout the world.
God has been with man for years, no one's ever been aware, no one's ever known Him; now God's words tell them He is here. He asks man to come before Him, so they can receive gifts from Him. Yet man still keeps his distance; no wonder no one knows Him.

November 2, 2017

Musical Show "Chinese Gospel Choir Episode 13" (1): The Scenes of Hell

Do you think there is a hell? What is hell really like? Please stay tuned for this video clip!

In the beginning, man possessed no truth. Later, he was beguiled by Satan into betraying God, and thereafter has lived tragically in the human hell of utter darkness. It is even more so in China—the old world ruled by the evil forces of the great red dragon. In order to achieve its evil purpose of ruling the whole world, the great red dragon doesn't hesitate to carry out destruction of human life, imposing inhuman and unprecedented slaughter on God's chosen people.

November 1, 2017

Hymn God Saved Me

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God Saved Me

God saved me, God saved me. Incarnated as a man, weathering rain and wind, among men hiding, no one knew Him. God judged to save me, chastised to cleanse me; I suffered so much pain. I came to love God from my heart, enjoying God's kindness and grace. Without God's salvation, my end— desolation, annihilation, no grace. Without God's salvation, my end— desolation, annihilation, no grace. There is no me without my God; I would never be here today. God saved me, God saved me, yes! There is no me without my God; I would never be here today. God saved me, God saved me, yes! God forever shall I praise.

October 31, 2017

Full Praise | Latin Dance ''Praise the Accomplishment of God's Work"

God’s wisdom and almightiness are shown forth in the change and renewal of all things. The people of God sing and dance to praise the accomplishment of God’s work. At this time, human beings have cast away their filth and corruption amidst the work of God, thus submitting to God and living out the reality of God’s word. They can accept God’s commission and bear witness to God’s faithfulness and righteousness, and have true praise for God in their real experience.

October 30, 2017

Almighty God's Word "End Religious Service" | The Church of Almighty God

Almighty God says, "As of today, God will formally perfect those who have no religious notions, who are ready to set aside their old selves, and who simply obey God, and perfect those who long for the word of God. These people should stand up and serve God. In God there is endless abundance and fathomless wisdom. His amazing work and precious words are there for more people to enjoy. As it stands, these new things cannot be accepted by those with religious notions, those who assume seniority, and those who will not put their old selves aside. The Holy Spirit has no chance to perfect those people.